15 Feb

Fair demand for the 236,840 pack- Current and Future Fresh Auction Offerings ages (15.92m/kgs) in the market at irregular levels following quality; 35.52% remained unsold.

Leaf Grades (M2) Offerings: 127,840 packages (8.38m/kgs) –30.69% unsold.

BP1: Best – Met irregular enquiry and varied between firm to USC22 dearer to easier by up to USC30 and select teas shed up to USC61. Brighter – Were mostly firm to USC24 above last prices but some lines lost up to USC10. Mediums – KTDA mediums were irregular ranging between steady to USC12 dearer to USC18 below previous levels while plantation mediums varied between firm to USC12 dearer to easier by up to USC6. Lower Mediums – Were irregular and ranged between USC18 dearer with selected teas gaining USC50 to easier by USC25 with select lines shedding up to USC52. Plainer – Saw irregular activity at firm to USC9 above last rates with selected invoices advancing by up to USC24 to easier by up to USC10.

PF1: Best –Irregular varying between firm to dearer by USC12 to easier by USC9. Brighter – Ranged between USC13 dearer to easier by up to USC10. Mediums – KTDA mediums varied between steady to USC7 above last levels to USC4 below last prices with plantation mediums between USC12 dearer to easier by up to USC6. Lower Mediums – Ranged between USC24 dearer to easier by USC25. Plainer – Were irregular varying between firm to USC20 above last levels to USC18 below previous rates.

PDUST: Best – Ranged between steady to USC15 dearer to easier by up to USC6. Brighter – Were mostly firm at reserve price levels with only a few lines irregular varying between USC2 dearer to easier by up to USC8. Mediums – KTDA mediums were steady at last rates with plantation mediums well competed for advancing by up to USC24. Lower Medium – Saw improved interest and were irregularly dearer by up to USC30. Plainer –Were irregular and ranged between firm to USC43 dearer to USC13 below previous levels.

DUST1: Best – Advanced by up to USC20. Brighter – Were firm at previous prices. Mediums – Most KTDA mediums held value while some lines were neglected but a few selected invoices advanced by up to USC14 with plantation mediums appreciating by up to USC34. Lower Medium –Irregular ranging between firm to USC15 dearer to easier by up to USC16. Plainer – Varied between USC22 dearer to USC12 below last rates.

Secondary Grades (S1) Offerings: 24,920 packages (2.09m/kgs) –12.52% unsold. In the Secondary Catalogues, BPs were firm to dearer while best PFs gained with others steady. Clean well sorted colouryFannings were irregular while similar DUSTs appreciated. Other Fannings were steady with DUSTs dearer. BMFs were readily absorbed.

Markets Egyptian Packers, Afghanistan and Iran showed strong support with Sudan, UK, Yemen and other Middle Eastern countries maintaining useful interest. Pakistan Packers,Bazaar, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS states showed reduced activity while Local Packers were active in line with price. Somalia maintained interest at the lower end of the market.